Our latest research, conducted in partnership with Censuswide, reveals that almost two thirds of people in England regularly fail to get the minimum seven hours of sleep every night, as recommended by the NHS.
Read on to find out how your area fares...
Despite Wiltshire [23.4%], Greater London [23.3%], Kent [23.2%] and County of Bristol [22.5%] recording the worst rated noise pollution levels, it is actually Merseyside that is the most sleep-deprived, as almost three quarters [74%] of respondents average less than seven hours of sleep, while nearly half describe the quality of their sleep as “poor”.

At the other end of the spectrum, Cambridgeshire reported the lowest level of sleep deprivation, with 58% of respondents averaging less than seven hours sleep.
Despite residents regularly clocking up over seven hours sleep a night, nearly a quarter [23%] say they wake up more than once during the night. According to the data, an alarming 72% of people in England report waking up in the morning feeling like they have had insufficient sleep. While over one in four [26%] regularly feel tired and struggle to concentrate during the day.

The Simba Map’tress Report was compiled using independent research agency, Censuswide, surveying 5012 adults countywide on their average sleep habits, during March this year – ahead of the launch of the new Simba Sleep Coach & Tracker app – a free tool designed to help users sleep deeper & longer.
Combining quick and simple daily reporting with the latest research on sleep and practical advice on sleep enhancing behaviour, the new Simba Sleep Coach app is much more than a sleep tracker. It helps users to track their energy levels, day after day, and understand what impacted their sleep and energy - in positive or negative ways. The app’s methodology is based on psychological research and behavioural science techniques and is full of practical insights and advice to help master the art of restorative sleep.
The NHS suggests Britons should be getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night, while children need nine to 13 hours a night. Scientific studies have shown that sleep deficiency increases the risk of multiple health issues including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Sleeping for less than seven hours a night can also impair concentration levels and the chances of work or car related accidents. Our data, showed a third [33%] of adults who routinely fail to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, reported increased levels of depression and anxiety, in contrast to 22 per cent in those who average more than the recommended sleep guidelines.
Similarly, the figures cited greater instances of increased irritability and lower sex drive within respondents averaging less than seven hours per night. A further one in 12 [8%] reported chinks in their immune system, saying they regularly get ill. In contrast to just one in 20 [5%] that achieves the NHS baseline of slumber. While three quarters of smokers [75%] average less than seven hours a night, compared to 63% of non-smokers.
England’s Gen-Z’s [16-24-years-old] generally achieve more than the government sleep guidelines [41%]. In stark contrast to those in middle age [45-54], where over two thirds [71%] average less each night.
Lisa Artis, deputy CEO at sleep tech firm Simba said “By deep diving into the interactive Simba Sleep Map’tress we can see that Merseyside could have the least sleep out of any across England, because of higher self-reported levels of less exercise and access to nature – two things we know are great for helping us to sleep better.
“Greater access to the outdoors and lower reported noise pollution are likely to play a part in why residents in Dorset and West Sussex enjoy higher than average sleep consumption.”
Artis added “In Norfolk and the West Midlands, lower levels of exercise and higher than average levels of alcohol consumption may also be fuellingtheir sleep deficit - bolted to higher rates of noise pollution reported by the latter.”
“Although Bedfordshire rated highly for minimal noise pollution and access to green spaces, levels of alcohol consumption were higher here too.”
“Bedfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire also recorded higher than average mattress ages, in contrast to Wiltshire and Oxfordshire, with newer on average beds”, explains Artis “which could also account for the poor quality of slumber.”
“Paying attention to sleep hygiene is one of the best ways that you can set yourself up for better slumber; creating a bedroom environment that creates consistent and quality sleep.”
According to The Sleep Charity, a good night’s sleep is essential for good health - protecting mental, emotional and physical wellbeing as well as boosting quality of life. Just one bad night's sleep can affect mood, concentration, and alertness while long-term sleep deprivation has far more serious consequences: it’s been linked to a number of severe health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
The amount of sleep people need is completely individual – remember one size doesn’t fit all. Some people survive perfectly well on six and a half hours whereas some need eight to 10 hours to feel rested. Regularly getting less than six hours sleep is a no-no and can have significant health effects.
To ensure good sleep it’s essential to follow good lifestyle habits and eliminate factors that cause disturbed sleep. For example; creating the perfect bedroom environment; having a comfortable bed and pillows; using soft, dim lighting in the evening; and turning off all tech at least an hour before bed. Avoid foods and drinks that hinder sleep on the run-up to bedtime - spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol all have been shown to negatively impact sleep.
Simba’s data also puts a stark spotlight on the impact of poverty on sleep.

Almost half [45.89%] of English workers earning over £75,000 regularly clock up more than seven hours, versus just 23% on Job Seekers Allowance.
Those who work in Facilities & Property Services [76%], Science [76%] and worryingly Transport [76%], such as delivery, taxi and train drivers, most regularly get less than seven hours a night.

At the other end of the spectrum, people who work in Media [50%], Engineering [42.3%] and Sport [41.7%] are the most well rested.
Ten of the most sleep deprived areas in England
% of adults who on average sleep less than seven hours a night. Data from Simba Sleep Map'tress Report, 5012 adults in England.
- Merseyside - 74.47%
- Kent - 74.42%
- Shropshire - 72.55%
- County of Bristol - 72.50%
- Bedfordshire - 72.06%
- Norfolk - 71.57%
- Buckinghamshire - 71.15%
- Berkshire - 71.03%
- West Midlands - 69.90%
- Northamptonshire - 69.81%
Ten of the most rested / least sleep deprived areas in England
% of adults sleep more than seven hours a night. Data from Simba Sleep Map'tress Report, 5012 adults in England
- Cambridgeshire - 42%
- Hampshire - 41.38%
- Lincolnshire - 41.28%
- East Sussex - 41.25%
- Dorset - 41.10%
- Wiltshire - 40.43%
- West Sussex - 40.37%
- Hertfordshire - 40.26%
- Worcestershire - 40.00%
- Oxfordshire - 39.53%
Top 10 most sleep deprived careers [Sleep less than 7 hours]
- Facilities & Property Services - 76%
- Science, Mathematics and Statistics - 76%
- Transport (Pilot, Driving Instructor, Delivery, Taxi, Bus driver, Train, Post) - 75.64%
- Construction and Building - 74.84%
- Homemaker (parent) - 74.55%
- Hair & Beauty - 72.34%
- Business & Management - 72%
- Security, unformed and protective services (Army, Prison, Police etc) - 72.43%
- Social Work and Caring Services - 70.13%
- Alternative Therapy - 70%
The study was commissioned by Simba and carried out by Censuswide between 07.03.2023 - 10.03.2023
5012 General consumers in England (with a minimum 50 in specific locations)